Monday 26 November 2018

What Is A Sweet Tooth

             What Is A Sweet Tooth

You've probably heard someone refer to their "sweet tooth" as their reason for loving sugary treats. But is there really such a thing? While it's not an actual type of tooth, it turns out that your cravings for sugary foods might be more than just your preferences.

Sweets can wreak havoc on your oral health. By understanding why you crave sweets and the negative effects of sugar-laden foods, you might just find the willpower to refuse that second helping of cotton candy.
Sweets and Your Genes
A study published in Twin Research and Human Genetics found that some people simply taste sweets differently. In studying subjects, researchers found that some people didn't perceive foods to be as sweet as others did. Those people, who have what researchers called a "weak sweet taste" could tolerate higher levels of sugary foods, something that could account for your sweet tooth.

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