Monday 8 October 2018



A father is every son's first hero and every daughter's first love. That, in itself, is proof that your father is an awesome person and he deserves a medal. He brought you into this world and has done everything in his power to make your life better. He has kept the family together and stayed strong against all odds. Therefore, here are some reasons to salute your dad for being so awesome!

As a dad, one of your main roles is that of a protector. There are many ways you need to do this. Safety is one: child-proof your home teaches them good habits, set a good example by using your seatbelt, make sure they use a car seat if below a certain age. But financial protection is also important: take life insurance, car insurance, an emergency fund, and make a will.
When we get home from work, we’re often tired and just want to relax. But this is the only time we have with them during the weekdays, and we shouldn’t waste it. Take this time to find out about their day, lay down on the couch with them. On weekends, devote as much time as possible to them.
Dads shouldn’t be afraid to show affection. Kids need physical contact, and not just from their moms. Snuggle with them, hug them, love them.

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